The Challenge

The challenge to always use the express line at the supermarket

My baby is starting solids and I want to make sure I feed her wholesome, nutritious food. But, when I started to take the time to read the ingredients on all my purchases at the supermarket I realized that with all the additives in premade food, it’s best to make everything at home. I decided to make it my mission to cut out store bought items, one at a time, and start making them at home. Every week I'll highlight a specific ingredient, with research, literature reviews and recipes. In a year's time (November 2017) I hope to only ever leave the grocery store in the express lane. Read more about my adventure to the express lane at the supermarket at From Fake Food to Real Food .

The Adventure

Baby Friendly Blueberry Yogurt Muffins

Blog, RecipesJanuary 9, 2017

I realize my blogging is off to a rocky start, with no update in quite...

Yogurt Marinated Lamb Shank

Recipes, UncategorizedDecember 24, 2016

How to make Homemade Yogurt

Blog, IngredientsDecember 24, 2016

Lulu relied on her Cuisinart Electronic Yogurt Maker ($89.47 on Amazon), a beautiful gadget I can...

Discovering a Dairy Delight

Blog, IngredientsDecember 24, 2016

Yogurt is one of the most versatile ingredients in the world. It can be used...

From Fake Food To Real Food

BlogOctober 28, 2016

I want to feed my baby good food, real food.  We started to give her...

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Kuwait City, Kuwait


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